Housing Insights Central
Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.
Many Affordable Housing Recipients Missed Payments in 2020
People who manage to get an affordable housing unit often have to deal with a long list of stipulations. They can't have any arrests, can't be charged with any drug violations, must allow inspectors to come in and en...
Discover the 10 Best Tips for Securing a Home That Everyone Should Know
Finding the right home can be a difficult and time-consuming process. From researching locations to deciding on the perfect floor plan, there are many variables to consider. To make the process easier...
HUD Announces Over $37 Million in Support for New Yorkers During Apartment Repairs
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has exciting news for New York City residents. The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is getting more than $37 million to help ...
Should I Buy a House in Today's Market?
Should I Buy a House in Today'S Market? The question has been on everyone's mind, and the answer depends on your circumstances. Many people want to maximize their wealth while minimizing their stress. In today's competitive housing mark...
The Housing Market Is the Most Volatile It's Ever Been: Here's Why
The housing market always ebbs and flows in different markets. After all, people constantly move around for jobs and other issues. On average, each American moves about eleven times within his or her life. Th...
COVID-19 Creates a New Type of Housing Boom
A remarkable 35% of renters have missed a rental payment between March and July because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many renters are in low-wage jobs in service industries that were hit hard by closures enacted in order to slow the s...
COVID-19 Pandemic and Hurricane Laura Coalesce to Create Housing Crisis
In parts of Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, both renters and homeowners are dealing with the aftermath of catastrophic Hurricane Laura. The hurricane made landfall as a category 4 storm, with wind speeds ...
Residents Sue Public Housing Authority Over Inhumane Conditions
The residents of Lakeside Homes in Lansdowne, which is a public housing community in Catonsville in Baltimore County, have sued the county over its lack of response to the substandard conditions in their apartme...
Toy Theft From Texas Public Housing Triggers Massive Replacement Donations
Many families are suffering as a result of the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. In times when a family might have to choose between paying the electricity bill or buying Christmas gifts, par...